Friday, July 21, 2006

Topic 1: On Creativity

Note to self:

Updated version:

* Create possibilities which make yourself and people around you smile.
*Create your "now" such that you live it without regrets.
* Create thoughts, words and actions which motivate not only you but also others around you to excel in their positive pursuits.
* Create time and space for people in your life, who have been there for you and for those who need you, to your best possible extent; but most importantly, create these for yourself first.
* Create roles, ideas and events which effect the higher good of  yourself and the society.
* Create boundaries- set limits for what is acceptable and what  isn't. This is important because "Just because you don't eat a lion, it does not mean that the lion will not eat you" ( credit to whoever wrote it).
* Create the life you wish to live but always remember that there is a higher power- Humility and modesty are important.
* Create an open mind:
 i) Be completely yourself with others- those who come back are the ones that stay. However, take your time to open up with everyone. You never know others' intent although you might not have one.
ii) Be open to others being open or not being open. Accept things the way they are and not the way you want them to be. All you can choose is how you want to respond to it.
iii) Create an environment of no-gossip by using silence as the technique. Those who gossip to you will gossip about you- that is for sure most of the times.
* Create relationships which are non judgemental and be non judgemental about people who judge. It is easy to get dragged into this quicksand.
* Create goals and set them realistically. Even better if you have a confidante help you out.
* Create positive meanings out of negative experiences.
* be contd.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Nice forum design. Okay, I need your advice.
So, I wanna make my little sister's site, and I am looking for site template.
Can you advice some online catalog or other resource where I can find many site templates?

It would be better if it will be free:)
I think many of us have personal sites, do you design it yourself?

Thx, Bill.

January 08, 2007 10:20 AM  
Blogger Reshma said...

blogspot has template options which u could choose from Bill. Thanks.

March 16, 2011 2:53 AM  

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